Natural Gas
Half of all homes use natural gas to power them, making it an important aspect of the fossil fuel industry. It is the cleanest of the fossil fuels, and it doesn’t leave any ash when leaving, making it more environmentally friendly. Taking millions of years to be formed, it can be found under land or the ocean floor. Learn more about this largely popular fossil fuel here.
Trump Opens the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for Oil and Gas Drilling
The Trump Administration Dismantled Obama-Era Methane Regulations
Keystone XL Is on the Verge of Becoming a Zombie Pipeline
Energy Utilities and Dark-Money Loopholes
Methane Emissions Are Soaring
One Country is Experiencing Detrimental Impacts from Gas Flaring
Warren Buffet’s Bet on Fossil Fuels
Legal Battles Killed the Atlantic Coast Natural Gas Pipeline
Government Bailouts Bolster Fossil Fuels and Hinder Renewables
Democrats Continue to Target Fossil Fuels with Climate Legislation